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Bylaws of The College Station Association of Neighborhoods (CSAN)

(As Amended by the Leadership Board on 3/27/2019)

ARTICLE I - Mission

The purpose of the College Station Association of Neighborhoods is to support the residents of College Station who seek to protect and enhance the quality of their neighborhoods and lives.

ARTICLE II – We Believe

· Healthy, vibrant neighborhoods are the backbone of a strong city.

· Public policy should preserve and improve on this great asset.

· Livable neighborhoods encourage business to locate here, creating a diverse and sustainable community.

· People are happier, more productive, and more civil when they can enjoy peace and quiet at home, safe streets, and residential character of their neighborhood.

· The city government should strive for transparency and should hold our public officials to the highest ethical standards to prevent conflicts of interest.

ARTICLE III – Activities Supporting Mission

CSAN is a volunteer organization. It engages in activates based on a combination of community need and volunteer interest:

· Recruit and coordinate the activities of volunteers with neighborhood concerns,

· Support non-partisan candidates who will protect neighborhood and family interests,

· Encourage neighborhood participation in local political processes,

· Provide input to city planning processes, such as the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation  Plan, Zoning Petitions and taxation policy,

· Conduct research and provide city leadership with data and community input,

· Coordinate neighborhood support with HOAs and neighborhood advocacy group,

· Provide a resource of information to individuals with neighborhood concerns.

ARTICLE IV – Organizational Definition

This organization is registered with the Texas Ethics Commission as a General Purpose Committee, a type of political action committee. The address is 1001 Pershing Dr, College Station, Texas 77840, with email address The fiscal year of CSAN will be from January 1 through December 31. Members of the organization may individually support any candidate or policy position, but not in the name of the organization, unless endorsed by CSAN.

ARTICLE V – CSAN Leadership

A. Leadership Boardwill consist of the officers and 7-10 total members elected by the Members for 3 year terms. Board members can be reelected once. It is a working board with broad responsibility to formulate and implement actions required to achieve CSAN’s mission. A quorum will consist of a majority of the board members present or participating by electronic media. Decisions will be made by consensus if possible, or majority vote if necessary. Any member of the Board may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Board members.

B. Officerswill consist of a President, Secretary, and PAC Treasurer and will be elected by the Leadership Board from its members. The President shall preside over all meeting and select the leaders of workgroups and committees. The Secretary shall document and maintain an archive of the proceedings of all Leadership meetings. The PAC Treasurer shall be registered with the Texas Ethics Commission and will submit reports required by the TEC in a timely manner. The Treasurer shall 1) Receive funds and pay all bills, 2) Maintain a record of receipts and payments and present a report at each Leadership meeting, and 3) submit annual summary to the Leadership Board no later than December 31.

C. The Term of office shall be 2 years, from May 1- April 31, and no officer may serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms. To ensure overlap, the initial term of President will end April 31, 2021, and that of the Treasurer and Secretary April 31, 2020. Officer vacancies will be filled by a 2/3 vote of the Board. Any officer may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Leadership Board.

ARTICLE VI – Nominations and Elections

A nominating committee of 3-5 people will be selected and endorsed by the Leadership Board no later than one month prior to the annual member meeting. The nominating committee shall select its chair. At least one individual must not be a member of the Board. The nominating committee will present its proposed slate for approval by a plurality vote at the annual CSAN Membership meeting. Other nominations, if any, may be submitted by members to the Chair of the Nomination Committee at least 7 days prior to the meeting. Where there is only one candidate for a position, election will be by voice vote. Where there are two, election will be by ballot with no absentee or proxy votes allowed. Officers and Board members shall begin their service at the next meeting of the Leadership Board after being elected. Vacancies on the Board can be filled by the Board until the next meeting of the Members.

ARTICLE VII – Membership

There are two types of affiliation with CSAN, Members and Supporters. Both join by visiting the CSAN web site and registering for the e-mail newsletter. Members also pay an annual donation of $20 for residents or $5 for students through the website. Members have a right to vote and elect CSAN leadership. Supporters do not pay a fee, and have no voting rights, but will receive the electronic newsletter and other communications.


Regular meetings of the Leadership Board will be scheduled by the President, with a general objective of one each two weeks. Special meetings of the Board may be called by a majority of the members.

One annual CSAN Membership meeting will be held between February 1 and April 31. The purpose of the meeting is to review the prior year’s activities, obtain consensus on focal areas, and engage volunteers in specific action items. Officers and members of the Leadership Board will also be elected for open positions.

ARTICLE IX – Workgroups and Committees

Workgroups and Committees are the vehicles through which volunteers work to address neighborhood and communities concerns. They will be established by majority vote of the Leadership Board, and chairs will be appointed by the President. They will remain active as long as the need exists. The chairs will review work plans and provide progress reports to the President when appropriate. The organization, membership and decision-making processes will be determined by the workgroup itself to provide the flexibility needed to achieve the objective effectively.

ARTICLE X – Candidate Endorsement

The Leadership Board may choose by majority vote to endorse candidates for the College Station City Council or other public officials. Each year an election committee will be established to formulate a vetting process, which may vary with the position and ongoing policy issues. The purpose of the vetting process will be to establish the candidate’s commitment and competency to protect our neighborhoods and families. Members of the Leadership Board who choose to endorse a candidate who was not endorsed by CSAN will remove themselves from the CSAN board for the period of the election and/or runoff.

ARTICLE XI – Amendments and Dissolution

These bylaws may be amended at the annual Membership meeting by a 2/3 vote of the attendees. The College Station Association of Neighborhoods may also be dissolved at the annual Membership meeting by a 2/3 vote of the attendees. After payment of all liabilities, any remaining assets will be donated to a local non-partisan, non-profit charity. The right to use the name shall be denied.

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