Are you aware on 2/5/2019 the Brazos County Commissioners approved an RFP # 19-096 for Rehabilitation of Arrington Road from city limits to just past Harpers Ferry?
Improvements are always nice and especially on this road, but is it the “best value” for our taxpayer money at this time? There are 2 residential construction sites operating today on the proposed rehabilitation section of Arrington Road. There are 50 and 145 acre tracks of land for sale on Arrington south of Harpers Ferry.
Judge Peters put the cost of widening Arrington at 2 million dollars back during his interview on WTAW on 7/27/2016 ( ). Will it cost more now that it’s 2.5 years later?
Won’t it be better use of taxpayer money to wait for 3-5 years, when both the developments are fairly in place and the road will definitely need improvements/repairs and Greens Prairie Preserve will have an access point on Greens Prairie Road? It’s typical of development to have heavy truck traffic which is likely to damage our new improved Arrington Road.
Commissioner Aldrich said the construction won’t start until heavy truck traffic finishes going in and out of new residential subdivisions during his interview on 3/2/2018 on WTAW ( ).
The County’s Road & Bridge Capital Improvement Budget 2018-2019 is $8,745,400. If the cost stays at 2 million, it will be almost ¼ of the budget (23%).
If you are a taxpayer, how do you feel about this?
The RFP has a winner and will be presented/discussed at the 3/26/2019 - 10 AM Commissioners Court. A couple of us plan on attending to have a discussion on why this makes any sense now with all the construction happening on Arrington Road.